Our Philosophy
The word midwife literally means “with woman,” and midwifery is the time-honored tradition of being with women. Here at Sage-Femme Midwifery, it is a way of being, as well as a way of providing care. To truly be with women is to recognize, respect, and trust the wisdom that is integral to each woman and her baby, and to support them in teaching us how we can best meet their needs.
From Midwife Kelly McDermott
I believe that birth is a healthy life process that unfolds best with nourishment, support, encouragement, and, in most cases, without interference.
I believe women should be empowered to create their own birth plans and birth experiences, and they should be educated to be actively involved in decision-making and self-care for all aspects of their health.
I believe that women can be trusted to take responsibility for their choices.
I believe that birth can be life changing in many complex ways, and I believe that the opportunities for growth through this amazing life process are rich and infinite.
It has been my calling and life’s work to care for women, their families, and their babies with these core beliefs as my guiding principles. I am continually awed by this work I feel chosen to do, and I remain grateful for the gifts that have been given to me. My sincere hope is that, someday soon, all women will be “midwifed” into motherhood and wellness. What a celebratory and joyous time that will be!