About Sage-Femme
As a midwife and provider of women’s health care since 1987, I have learned a great deal from the women and babies I have cared for. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that true healing with quality health care requires a time investment. It calls for listening deeply and getting to know those we serve. It demands individualized care. This is not a model fostered by traditional medical care but it is the model of the wise woman!
Sage-Femme is French for “wise woman.” It is also French for “midwife.”
- A wise woman knows that with support and nourishment women can heal…can BE healthy.
- A wise woman seeks to empower.
- A wise woman takes the time to be a guide and knows that maintaining health is a life-long journey.
- A wise woman encourages women and their families to create their own best birth experiences.
Sage-Femme is the culmination of lessons learned from the many wise women in my life and a humble commitment to carry on this tradition.

April Newman Photography www.aprilnewmanphoto.com